Saturday, March 7, 2009

Early Saturday Morning

Early Saturday and I'm up writing at 1:30 again. Seems like this is getting to be an unbreakable habit. *sigh* I admit that alot of it is my fault since I just spent the last 2 hours reading the second book in Stephanie Meyers' Twilight series: New Moon.
I've realized that once I start reading a book, I can barely concentrate on anything else until I've finished it. Hence why I'm writing instead of picking up the next in line: Eclipse. :)

Ah.. speaking of writing, I probably should actually do that. LOL.. Off to write!



Sarah Peel said...

I loved the first Twighlight book, I have yet to read the others yet! But I am hoping for that to change soon!


IrishLuck said...

oh goodness.. i loved all of them. And yeah.. (I know this is SUPER late.. by over a year in fact) Hopefully back in gear on my blog and work soon!